Card image cap

Nikon D80
18-55mm lens

Simple robust crop-frame DSLR camera. Ideal choice for beginners or those new to DSLRs.
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Price €14.95

Card image cap

Canon EOS 1000D
18-55mm lens

Simple robust crop-frame DSLR camera. Ideal choice for beginners or those new to DSLRs. Tell me more…

Price €14.95

Card image cap

Canon EOS 1000D
55-250mm lens

Suitable for slightly more experience photographers, who would like to try out a telephoto zoom lens 18-55mm lens is also included. Tell me more…

Price €24.95


Card image cap

Nikon D800
24-70mm lens

For experienced photographers who would like to try the advanced features of a full-frame DSLR and an excellent Tamron telephoto zoom lens.
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Price €59.95

Card image cap

Sony Alpha A7 II
24-70mm lens

For experienced photographers, a fantastic opportunity to try the technology of the future: a full-frame mirrorless digital system camera.
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Price €59.95

Card image cap

tripod & remote shutter release

Fully adjustable tripod, camera connector plate and cable release remote control. Indispensable accessories for evening and night photography. Tell me more…

Price €9.95


What is included

  • camera body and lens
  • camera strap
  • carry case
  • fully charged camera battery
  • empty memory card
  • camera pre-configured for standard settings
  • use of the equipment for the duration of the trek
  • insurance against damage or breakage
  • processing and enhancement of your photos and return by email