Evening tours and night photography

General information
Please note: smartphones are not suitable for night photography. And while not absolutely essential (depending on the camera), we highly recommend the use of a tripod, which you can hire from us if you wish.
The tour includes a short refreshment stop, when you can review and discuss your photos. Time permitting, you can continue the discussion after the tour.

The golden hour

If we are lucky. the finale of the golden hour will be a blazing sunset. We will take you to the places to best capture this.

The blue hour
Then as the sunset slowly disolves into twilight, we enter the blue hour, when the light gradually changes from gold to blue and the shadows disappear.

After dark
Amsterdam, Leiden, the Hague and Rotterdam all have a lively café culture, ideal for the photographer. Many public buildings are spectacularly illuminated.

Night life
The lights of the cafés twinkle in the canals and harbours, streetlights bathe the squares in golden light. Even in the rain the lights reflect magically in the wet cobbles and pavements.

The photography challenge
It sounds idyllic, but night time does pose special challenges for the photographer. Well here is the good news: even if you have never taken photographs at night we will explain simply and clearly the tips and techniques to begin taking stunning pictures!
And the night is always full of surprises!

Bad weather
But it seldom rains the for whole day. If the rain is torrential the tour will be cancelled, but if it is not heavy the tour will go on regardless.
Photographers are hardy folks, and stormy skies and wet pavements present some of the most exciting photo opportunities!
Cancellation policy

How do I book an evening tour?
If you would like to book an evening tour, you can do so by:
Telephoning +31 (0)71 887 10 23
Emailing info@dutchphototrek.com